Saturday, November 24, 2012


you'll never guess which movie I went to see. -obvious sarcasm.-
it was a great movie, and if you saw it and didn't like it then we need to have a long talk.

I'm not going to talk about it much because it would bore you if you've already seen it and I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. the movie theater smelled weird. good, but weird.  I really do think that Daniel Craig is the best james bond so far. if you're going to argue with me and say sean connery is, I'll agree with you that he was the best one- for his time. but daniel craig really pulls off the whole hitman look.

okay, enough about james bond.

this fellow right here is a new character of mine. he's a sad angel that likes to mope around a lot. his name is nuntior, and he has a brother that's a demon but I only have one picture of hime (stansque) and it looks stupid, so I'm not going to put it on here.

this was just a quick sketch, trying to work with using color to draw the eye in. I really don't think I did too good of a job on that, considering you're going from his eye to his chest. 

okay, so I guess I really have nothing else to write about. I hope everyone had a splendid thanksgiving and gorged themselves on turkey, gravy, potatoes and the like. mine was relatively calm, I had my grandparents come in and stay with us for a few days. (we went to see skyfall.) 

and as always, I leave you with some enjoyable music. ladies and gentlemen, please lend your ears to Holobody.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Good afternoon, evening, morning, whatever, wherever you are.  How are you doing? I'm doing better now that someone is reading my blog, thank you. 

Nothing has really been going on lately, besides my steady decline on art. oh, and I did something to this blog, but I really can't remember what... could it be that.... I remodeled?

yes, now everything is nice and white.  I thought it would be a nicer change for the skin, so... why not?

oh, and I sketched you a this guy. I'm not sure if I've introduced my blog to this character, but if I havent then...well, here he is, in all of his... oddness.  

Alright, since I really have nothing else to say, I am now going to leave you. unfortunately, I do not have a video or a song to throw at you. so in the meantime, just enjoy this dumb site's new skin and playlist.