Not much has really happened since the last entry i've made, however, I guess that's a major contribution to the lack of activity on this blog, but I can't sleep and my stomach hurts, so what better way to try and lull myself to sleep than to write a blog entry.
I made a few changes to the blog, i.e changing the player and that's really it.
Yesterday night I went to see Oz, the Great and Powerful.
To be honest, I was a little dissappointed. It started out with great potential and sort of ended on a fuzzy-cuddly "oh how nice" note. It was like Despicable Me, but that movie was about 500x worse than this one.
I didn't really /hate/ the movie, but I wouldn't add it onto my favorite movies list. I'm not going to spoil anything for you, so go see it if you really want to, but if you're expecting a steam-punkish fantasy movie then don't even go.
I saw it in 3D, and I still have a headache from the glasses. Not to mention all the 11 year olds who had punched out the lenses and were wearing their "Edgy-cool hipster glasses". I'm sure those contributed to my headache as well.
There was also some guy who passed out on the way out of the theater and there were paramedics everywhere. I'm not going to lie, it was really awkward.
I went with my friend Lilly and a few of her friends, and some lady randomly leaned down and told my friend Madison "If you don't shut up, you won't get to see the rest of the movie."
This would have been 100% less disturbing if no one had been talking and everyone in the theater was dead silent.
So besides schizophrenic old ladies and people falling out, there was a few things that I liked about the movie. Who doesn't like an adorable china doll waving around a knife?
However, the movie did mis out on a lot of it's potential. It had so many good paths it could take and it took one of the worst ones it could. Unless if you like movies that are feel good and unrealistically happy-ending-y, I really don't reccomend the movie.
But then again, since when has this blog been about movies? That's right, never.
I've fallen into a bit of an art slump lately. I opened commissions and then lost track of them, and nobody's telling me whether or not I owe them something. It's really irritating, but since they haven't paid yet I don't have to finish them if they can't tell me what they want.
The only change I have made was i've begun to draw more humans, but I have no pictures drawn digitally of them. One day I'll make some especially for you, Blog.
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