Friday, August 3, 2012

new bloge

Hello! and welcome to the new, and improved....


Yes, it isn't a lot. In fact, I never really blog anymore to begin with, so I'm unsure as to why I am now. Anyways, no more annoying music player either, that was rather annyoing of me wasn't it?

Moving along...

I suppose I should explain myself as to what exactly this IS.  I'll post random doodles on here that i am too afraid to post on anywhere else (coughs aka that it's not /good/ enough for anywhere else) i might even post some clips of video that im working on, or ramble, like i'm doing right now.

this is like.. my... third blog. i move. a lot. like a lot a lot :l

So. My first post on this brand new blog. uwu I'm very pleased with the layout I can never really seem to get layouts down. Especially when it comes to color...  3:

I'm very tempted to rename my blog to.. the only tune. It sounds a little nicer than Aether, and it's pretty much the song that has inspired my artwork to make such a drastic change since september from all those moe moe anime dogs to... well... whatever you call my art now... 8)

Well, I suppose I should just ~*dive right into it*~ and get to posting art. and quit rambling. i must learn to stop rambling.

Ahhhh my. This dreadful fellow once again. I cannot stress how much delight I get from drawing him, he's not really anything, not a weird anthro creature, a dog, or anything. He is simply Fiddler and that's all there is to his character. He's such a refreshingly dark, disgusting character that I've drawn somewhat of an attatchment to him. 

I mean, who could not catch a glimpse of that... er... half a face, and not be instantly charmed? <;

Well... I couldn't sleep a few nights ago and well.. this happened. I'm addicted to drawing things with one eye- they seem so much more abstract and strange that way. Which is really the feel I'm trying to extract from... well.. i wouldn't call it art.. <':

This... creature. I'm not really sure what to make of this character quite yet. It has a second design- one with a simpler tail and one eye. I drew a rough sketch of it last night while I was internet-less. and sleepless too.  But yes, I was feeling in the mood to draw something with stars... i love stars. simply marvelous, i'm afraid my art does not do them any justice to their elegance.

Well... I'd love to pester you with more art, but I feel that you grow weary of it.  Perhaps a short introduction to who I am may do this blog some good?

Then let me introduce myself. My name is skye, but i prefer to be called moby. However, you may call me anything that you wish to call me since it really doesn't matter now does it? 8')

ah yes the school year is about to start back, and i'm already buzzing with excitement. i may not attend school, but i still hav emy weekly classes which i hold so dearly ;~;

And now, I leave you with something. It is a gameplay video, but without commentary, no interaction, just beautiful scenery and well... an interesting story. This is what i listen to pretty much every time I do art. i don't know why, but somehow... it helps me to concentrate.

If you have the time, I suggest you listen to it all. It really is simply fantastic.

so... I suppose my time here in this post is complete =w= im getting a little bit tired to be honest, and the internet is slow considering i have to leech off of the neighbor's internet oOPS.

so with that, goodnight reader uwu!

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