Saturday, November 24, 2012


you'll never guess which movie I went to see. -obvious sarcasm.-
it was a great movie, and if you saw it and didn't like it then we need to have a long talk.

I'm not going to talk about it much because it would bore you if you've already seen it and I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. the movie theater smelled weird. good, but weird.  I really do think that Daniel Craig is the best james bond so far. if you're going to argue with me and say sean connery is, I'll agree with you that he was the best one- for his time. but daniel craig really pulls off the whole hitman look.

okay, enough about james bond.

this fellow right here is a new character of mine. he's a sad angel that likes to mope around a lot. his name is nuntior, and he has a brother that's a demon but I only have one picture of hime (stansque) and it looks stupid, so I'm not going to put it on here.

this was just a quick sketch, trying to work with using color to draw the eye in. I really don't think I did too good of a job on that, considering you're going from his eye to his chest. 

okay, so I guess I really have nothing else to write about. I hope everyone had a splendid thanksgiving and gorged themselves on turkey, gravy, potatoes and the like. mine was relatively calm, I had my grandparents come in and stay with us for a few days. (we went to see skyfall.) 

and as always, I leave you with some enjoyable music. ladies and gentlemen, please lend your ears to Holobody.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Good afternoon, evening, morning, whatever, wherever you are.  How are you doing? I'm doing better now that someone is reading my blog, thank you. 

Nothing has really been going on lately, besides my steady decline on art. oh, and I did something to this blog, but I really can't remember what... could it be that.... I remodeled?

yes, now everything is nice and white.  I thought it would be a nicer change for the skin, so... why not?

oh, and I sketched you a this guy. I'm not sure if I've introduced my blog to this character, but if I havent then...well, here he is, in all of his... oddness.  

Alright, since I really have nothing else to say, I am now going to leave you. unfortunately, I do not have a video or a song to throw at you. so in the meantime, just enjoy this dumb site's new skin and playlist.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


If you have not seen this movie yet, I suggest you go and watch it now. the link is out there on putlocker, somewhere. it's like a twisted version of inception, but no worries, it came out before inception so it's not like it's some rip off or anything, and both movies still vary greatly in their differences. the animation was rich and it flowed well.


this was some fanart that I drew for =cptGUTS on deviantart. I've been trying to get out of drawing animals so much but... it's not working. oh well, draw whatever you want to draw. if that bothers someone, then tell them to go away and then go eat cookies.

speaking of cookies, I got shot in the face today. just kidding, not really, my face is still in one piece.

if it ever was in one piece to begin with that is. 

well, I guess that's just really all I have to say today, sorry my entries are becoming shorter and shorter and more and more boring. remember when they were filled with interesting things? me either. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


Don't worry, blog. I haven't forgotten about you just yet. I've been extremely busy with school in the likes, it seems like every week I'm behind on something different.  And I've had a bunch of icon PC's stacked up on me, once again.  Oops. 

In other news, I got my braces off. This was the picture that I took to celebrate. but of course, since I can't do anything right I edited out my skin with clouds. again. yes. and for some reason, I had a spoon, but I really don't remember why anymore. and there was this running fire hydrant. there you go, now you know what's going on in this picture.

here's some... character of mine. he's a bird cyclops thing, I think. I quite like him though, he has a nice face, and an interesting design. I'll probably give him some funky bird feet, or something weird like I usually do in these cases with bird creatures.

speaking of bird creatures.... what ever happened to Teru?

the world may never know.

a rather large pixeling, especially in my case. (I usually just do icons, and little things. this is probably the largest bit of pixel art I've ever done. applause.)  this turned out rather well, in my opinion. who knows. there's a few spots that I missed with the black outline but this is too old for me to go back and correct. -shrugs.-

Not much to write about today, so I simply leave you with this:

Thursday, September 13, 2012



No, just kidding, I actually don't, because I'm not actually an engineer, nor am I a fictional character from a valve-produced multiplayer FPS. 

Oh, but how I wish.

I guess I have to apolgize because I promised to keep this blog active but... well.. coughs that hasn't been happening. Crystal reminded me that I should probably update it, since she was creeping on it.

crystal you creeper, I know you're reading this. 8l

Anyways, since I'm really uninteresting and nothing cool has been happening in my life, I'm going to jump straight to the part where I bombard you with a bunch of stupid pictures. Isn't that fun??

I decided that my art was starting to become more and more of that weird MS paint crap, you know, the weird stuff with one eye and missing limbs and faces? So I drew something normal once. This may or... may not be possible concept art. You never heard anything from me though. Not even a word. 

But unfortunately, it seems that even the weirdness has transferred itself onto Paint Tool Sai. Oops, My bad <;

So.. Here's my darling little Fiddler. vuv, isn't he just darling? With.. whatever that is he's drooling. He has no lower jaw, so he just drools a lot.

No need to be rude, he can't help it 8(

Look at those bags under his eyes. Tsk, you'd think any proper undead deformed cave dwelling creature would have enough sense to use a little bit of concealer.

I kid.

And here's a picture of yours truly. Well.. somewhat. I blocked out my face for reasons. 8)

(Those reasons were me looking like a sad emo meth dealer. Yeah.)

So instead, enjoy looking at some light fluffy clouds. 

I really should cut the back of my hair, is that a mullet I'm beginning to see? 

Alright, That's all I really have for now. My apologies for being boring today 8(

I leave you with this.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


see? I'm keeping this updated regularly! (or... well at least trying to heh.)

I've been swamped in point commissions over on dA. everyone wants an icon. i think my prices are too low, but i fear if i raise them the slightest bit then no one will want any.... which actually sounds fine right about now considering the sheer amount of icon's i've been doing. 

so this is what started it all. I made 5 icons for the lovely motted and well... someone got wind of it and then suddenly i was getting request after request... they're so little! yet... so exhausting. oh well.  22 favorites on these guys...  only 7 on a normal piece of work. -sighs-

I never really have liked doing art for other people. Not because i think it's not a good thing to do or i'm too stingy with my time, i just feel like im being pressured to complete it quickly yet efficently and have an original pose/get the colors right/make sure they're pleased and that short time when you've alerted them that it's complete and you're waiting for them to give their input just... unnerves me. :')

This is a character I've grown to be attatched to. he's... well.. i'm not sure what he is, even though he's all fuzzy, has a tail, and ears he's not really an animal/furry thing whatever i usually draw now these days. He has a deer skull (hint hint the muzzle) so im unsure of what he truly is.

He's... a dead thing? i'm not sure. he can pull out his organs and stuff uwu because i just need more gross characters (obviously.)

I made him because I felt like my characters were becoming... generic animu doges who just run around in generic unoriginal poses with bright eye-molesting colors. So  I decided a change in my art was needed, and i just have begun to draw whatever I feel like drawing.  I'm still having to get over my fear of not receiving enough favorites on works but... really all that matters is if i had fun drawing it, and enjoy drawing still.

I know I know I'm constantly going into ~*DEEP THINGS IN ART*~ wowohwohowahao and im sure people who don't like to draw and read this (hahaha who am i kidding nobody reads this) thinks that i'm going ~*off the deep end*~ 

truth is i did that a long time ago 8)

I... i really don't know why i named him fiddler. well, yes i do, but it's a stupid reason 8) i created him while listening to the song "the only tune" by nico muhly. im.... well... most of my weird characters are created to that one it's just... DELIGHTFULLY WEIRD OF A SONG. :"D  

and in case you wanted to see ~*EVEN MORE*~ of him... well... here's his reference. and a bunch of boring information that i felt was needed to fill in the space of those hideous stripes how stupid is that! :'D

all of my references seem to have stripes....

...that worries me.... >.>

I suppose that's really all I have to say right now, I have to get back to school (or well.. i don't want to... but i probably /should/...) and finish up what's left of the day. i need to go out later tonight and find ner pants all of mine are falling apart :'( i'll miss you, pants.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


No, not /those/ kinds of gangsters. The cool 20's ones. yeah, those guys. slowly but surely, all ofmy characters are becoming these kinds of people :/ and androids... well... my love for daft punk seems to have sparked something in my art... 

moving onward, let's get to it.

Let's start out with this interesting guy right here. about two years back I was really into vocaloid/ all that nice stuff, and i discovered UTAU. well, i made an android design but.. never used it. so i  found it earlier and decided to well, tweak it up a good bit. A lot actually. I like his horns. im not settled on a name, but I think ill name him moby.

And of course, everyone needs a companion/sidekick. This is moby's er... well.. twin? but.. well.. not twin...

this is Smaug. Smaug has no gender etc. and is really skinny and tiny compared to the larger stature of moby. thus they make an outstanding pair visually. while moby is calm and collected smaug seems a bit... eccentric?

yes.... just a bit... eccentric...

I have about as much of a clue as you have... i was simply playing around and then.. well.. this fellow was created.

/more/ new characters. This is Ellington and Fever. I'm sure you can guess which one is which just based on the names. just a bit of silliness.  they're both shadow entities. cuties.

er... maybe cuties isn't the word to describe them...(ellington in his actual form.)

and fever, doing what he does best. being creepy. (he has wires for a face uwu)

today was really slow, but comfortably so. we built an owl house... yes... an owl house. hoping to get barn owls, i love how pretty their slim faces are.

alright well.. i guess that's it. no more art to post. farewell.

Friday, August 3, 2012

new bloge

Hello! and welcome to the new, and improved....


Yes, it isn't a lot. In fact, I never really blog anymore to begin with, so I'm unsure as to why I am now. Anyways, no more annoying music player either, that was rather annyoing of me wasn't it?

Moving along...

I suppose I should explain myself as to what exactly this IS.  I'll post random doodles on here that i am too afraid to post on anywhere else (coughs aka that it's not /good/ enough for anywhere else) i might even post some clips of video that im working on, or ramble, like i'm doing right now.

this is like.. my... third blog. i move. a lot. like a lot a lot :l

So. My first post on this brand new blog. uwu I'm very pleased with the layout I can never really seem to get layouts down. Especially when it comes to color...  3:

I'm very tempted to rename my blog to.. the only tune. It sounds a little nicer than Aether, and it's pretty much the song that has inspired my artwork to make such a drastic change since september from all those moe moe anime dogs to... well... whatever you call my art now... 8)

Well, I suppose I should just ~*dive right into it*~ and get to posting art. and quit rambling. i must learn to stop rambling.

Ahhhh my. This dreadful fellow once again. I cannot stress how much delight I get from drawing him, he's not really anything, not a weird anthro creature, a dog, or anything. He is simply Fiddler and that's all there is to his character. He's such a refreshingly dark, disgusting character that I've drawn somewhat of an attatchment to him. 

I mean, who could not catch a glimpse of that... er... half a face, and not be instantly charmed? <;

Well... I couldn't sleep a few nights ago and well.. this happened. I'm addicted to drawing things with one eye- they seem so much more abstract and strange that way. Which is really the feel I'm trying to extract from... well.. i wouldn't call it art.. <':

This... creature. I'm not really sure what to make of this character quite yet. It has a second design- one with a simpler tail and one eye. I drew a rough sketch of it last night while I was internet-less. and sleepless too.  But yes, I was feeling in the mood to draw something with stars... i love stars. simply marvelous, i'm afraid my art does not do them any justice to their elegance.

Well... I'd love to pester you with more art, but I feel that you grow weary of it.  Perhaps a short introduction to who I am may do this blog some good?

Then let me introduce myself. My name is skye, but i prefer to be called moby. However, you may call me anything that you wish to call me since it really doesn't matter now does it? 8')

ah yes the school year is about to start back, and i'm already buzzing with excitement. i may not attend school, but i still hav emy weekly classes which i hold so dearly ;~;

And now, I leave you with something. It is a gameplay video, but without commentary, no interaction, just beautiful scenery and well... an interesting story. This is what i listen to pretty much every time I do art. i don't know why, but somehow... it helps me to concentrate.

If you have the time, I suggest you listen to it all. It really is simply fantastic.

so... I suppose my time here in this post is complete =w= im getting a little bit tired to be honest, and the internet is slow considering i have to leech off of the neighbor's internet oOPS.

so with that, goodnight reader uwu!